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tv   ABC 7 News at 500  ABC  August 13, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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16 children and t adults were stung. >> i walked into the nature center about 3:00, and heard a girl crying. i went to the bathroom, and when i was in the bathroom, i heard kids wailing. i came back out and there were these kids all kind of screaming and crying, attacked by a swarm of bees. >> at this point, the trail has been closed. after the second incident, the trail was closed. a park police official says the review is underway to determine why the belize -- where the bees were not dealt with properly the first time. >> this could turn into a serious situation, because they can be dangerous to children and adults who are allergic. treatments include an ice pack or a hydrocortisone cream. it an unwelcome surprise
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from marion barry's wife could have an impact on local children. why the current mayor is trying to force her out of the recreation center she founded. >> the city sent an eviction notice today. we're at the public housing where there is at public events. we were trying to get the mayor to comment on this situation, but he has not commented. it is situation where a recreation center -- she may soon be put out. the learning center is the brainchild of former d.c. first lady, and her recreation wish list committee. they have run it since 2001 with a d.c. recreation department. the mayor's office gave barry and her organization 30 days' notice to vacate the premises.
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when she first arrived, marion barry was attending and did not want to talk about it. the recreation wish list committee is stunned by this news that came out of thin air. it they don't know why. in partnership, they have raised millions of dollars for dc's use. there was stunned reaction to the news. >> she has a wonderful person. -- she is a wonderful person, they should let the lady stay here. >> iambs apprised, startled, shocked to say the least. -- i am surprised, startled, shocked to say the least. >> [unintelligible] the one day you're here, the
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next day you gone. >> they are baffled, distraught, and literally in tears over the decision. and again, we're live at another event in southeast washington, a dairy farm that america is attending. -- that the mayor is attending. we want to get a comment as to why all this happened. and hopefully we can bring it to you. >> she was the district's first lady from 1994 to 1998. she and the former mayor have been separated for several years now. we are ur sdovevibe in wg who survived beingup nd gh br up and brought inside their homes
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invasions was just sentenced to life in prison after one of his victims died. we have the reaction. >> life without parole i should say for the murder of a woman from bethesda. michael nathan said that jose garcia was a career criminal who targeted victims and delighted and torturing them. life with no chance of parole for convicted killer, a sentence to leaves victims who survived relieved. >> if he had gotten now, i was certain he would come back on us for retaliation. it is very vicious. >> a jury had convicted the illegal immigrant and last year's brutal beating. it we s onin a seriesf nglycr violent home
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invasions targeting older women. it terrorized the area for an entire year. they say justice was served. it >> he will not be walking the streets again. he will die in jail, appropriately so for the crimes. >> she laid down that a gag for two days before her daughter found her. >> i could see when it was nighttime and when it was daytime. i could hear the work men across the street building a house. there was no way they could possibly hear me. >> for this community, a chance to heal. and a sense of vindication. ng>> when bad things happen to good people, they are t with justice. >> they said there were probably hundreds of victims here,
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hundreds of, invasion victims. they found a virtual treasure trove of stolen goods in his apartment. some of which were given as presents to his various girlfriends. fairfax county police are looking for the driver who led them on a chase. officers tried to pull over a truck in fairfax when the driver ok off from the scene. the truck flipped over and the driver bailed out near henderson road. police are using dogs and helicopters to search for the suspect to managed to get away. maryland health officials are confirming the sixth death in the state relating this one flew. for privacy reasons, they only said that they had an underlying medical conditions. people should cover their costs and sneezes to prevent the spread of h1n1. h. keating scheme cost some
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teachers their jobs, paolo plot to boost test scores was discovered. >> tonight, the school's reputation is getting -- taking a big hit. she was wondering why some finished their test so quickly. >> they finished so fast, and it is like, really hard. >> they told the little girl to go back and check her answers. a different teacher gave her the test the day before, and she already knew all the answers. >> we have no comment. >> the principal will not discuss the firing of two teachers and administrators -- and an administrator. >> those involved did the right thing. they took action.
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>> they are not telling all parents. >> a posting on the d.c. state superintendent of education website, details the following. three people fired, the school will lose $10,000 in grant money, and 27 fourth and sixth grade students have scores invalidated, scores below basic performance. >> that is harsh. it is a problem, they should do that stuff on their own. >> we spoke to some employees, and they believed the teacher's launched this cheating scheme because pay raises are lent to students'achievements. people flocked to pay their respects to eunice kennedy
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shriver. the casket was surrounded by family voters and pictures of the special olympics -- a family photos and pictures of the special olympi. angry protests are not letting up. members of congress are being confronted at town hall meetings across the country. tonight, the white house is fighting back. >> to give you an idea of how intense this bate is, so many e-mail's have been sent to members of congress. it was having a hard time operating. no matter what side of the issue people were on, they are demanding to be heard. the anger is escalating and town halls around the country today. they once again took aim at members of congress. >> we need you to not be a puppet in your party. dodge the unrest at times is
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understandable. at this used in town hall, a cancer survivor told her story while representative sheila jackson lee talked on her cellphone. she says she was just trying to clarify an issue. the white house sent out its own viral e-mail with a point by point explainer. >> it is important to address misconceptions. >> the president may have been busted after saying this at a town hall. aarp would not be endorsing a bill if it was undermining medicare. >> tis>> the issued a statementg it has not endorse the plan, calling the president's remarks inaccurate. they fill an entire ball park,
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and emotions were also overwhelming. >> new ad campaigns are being unleased today as well, the chamber of commerce opposing the obama plan. the preside's supporters are watching commercials of their own. >> the health-care debate is happening on line in the talk back section of our website. you can go there, reeved -- to lead your -- and leave your comments. temperatures back and 80's, but other warm-up is coming. >> temperatures are where they should be statistically for the month of august. a few showers and storms today. once a a, most ofmoefth shower activity north o the metro are just south of baltimore. other areasill seek if these
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showers will together and make it closer to the metro area. we will look outside a theive camera right i now,nd a temperatures are comfortable and in the mid 80's. partly sunny skies, still warm and humid. some stray showers and thunderstorms. more and just a couple of minutes. coming up, answers for a grieving family and help solve the 13-year-old mystery. >> and how 911 colors are being asked to try again later. -- callers are being asked to try again later. >> trying to sell his neighbors things in a yard sale what she was on vacation. >> and what
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there's something big happening at pizza hut. - woooh, nice! - that's a lot of food! now get big meals like our stuffed pizza rolls, pizza mia, the p'zone... and our personal panormous pizza starting at just $5. the big eat tiny price menu. only at pizza hut.
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a cluiss ilervaab a le sh at your chevy dealer. f c ieryournklu if altoquies nk be recycled, you can get a $3500 or $4500 government rebate. and just announced! if you qualify for the clunker rebate, you may also qualify for 0% apr for 72 months. that means you can buy a '09 cobalt for $16h a ntmoafntter a $3500 government rebate and no doaywnmentwn go to for details.
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- woooh, nice! - that's a lot of food! now get big meals like our stuffed pizza rolls, pizza mia, the p'zone... and our personal panormous pizza starting at just $5. the big eat tiny price menu. only at pizza hut. denied, shocking new information about what a former presidential candidate was doing while his wife was fighting cancer. >> don edwards is the father of his mistress's baby.
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-- jhn edwards. >> today, published reports said that despite the repeated denials, a paternity test proves he is the father of the infant daughter. she was in north carolina at last week testifying before the grand jury that john edwards had initially denied. last year, he admitted the affair and welcomed a paternity test. >> i know that it is not possible because of the timing of events. >> it is important for edwards to be honest. >> he needs to tell the truth. you have to be honest. >> i was under the impression that it was more than likely his child. >> elizeth edwards told oprah that if he is the father, it does not affect her. >> i think it has to affect her.
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she has advanced breast cancer. she may not stand the marriage. >> what would you do? >> that is a hard one. i don't know. >> the children will have the have some type of a relationship, so it will affect her one way or another. even if it is just financial. >> she is a woman of grace. and i know on some level, she has forgiven him. but that marriage is over, and i don't think he can never make it up to her. it ever. >> last month, a former edwards aid and originally claimed the child was his. in a recent publishment, he said he accepted money to make the klan, and feels betrayed by the former senator.
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residents blame drainage problems. it happens every time it rains hard. it rained for inches an hour last night. i would say that as hard. one downtown day care says it will have to move the business rather than keep mopping up after storms. around re, nothing like that. we will continue to see showers and heavy downpours. redskins at a preseason game e rain has dropped a little bit. we will see what we can see on thursday afternoon. a little bit of blue sky, but at the moment, these are -- by w w of radar, we can parkway about 25 miles and check out some showers and thunderstorms. drifting out of baltimore, the hain aner orrbre
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this is just north to th west, and they could get closer to our metropolitan area little bit later this evening. we will epken utey o ye forepou. let's make a few stops, but says that 87 degrees. the high was 90, winds are, at the moment. -- winds are called at the moment. -- calm at the moment. mold spores in the moderate range once again. and it will happen late sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday. i think the mold will go back down and the wheat pollen - weed pollen will rear it's u gly head. very pleasant temperat f wheto u u get up to new england.
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the hot stuff in its normal spots, down across the plains. this is basically warm and dry air. it will move from here to here. until then, we have the chance of an isolated shower or storm. we have a stationary front along the coast acting as a focus for showers and storms. he did not have to drive farther find a warm, dry air. taking showers with it will allow this area to move into our area. that is what the weather map shows. showers and storms possible tomorrow. and isolated thunderstorm as possible on saturday, but on sunday, the dryer warmer air will come in. temperatures are going to get hot, back close to 90 degrees. we do not see any indication that we will go to the middle or upper 90's. 76 late tonight.
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67, 71 in the morning. 82 at midday, climbing 87. relatively common numbers. we have an isolated storms in the area forecast for sunday, but i think it will be southern maryland. most areas should be dry. >> isn't it amazing, it was nice out today? >> absolutely right. regis and back and abc's prime time as the "who wants to be a millionaire" to week event continues. >> are you going to try again for the next olympics? >> i am still trying to decide. it is a huge commitment. >> in the meantime, you surprised a lot of people with your dancing ability. >> her new? >> -- who knew?
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>> it is followed by abc 7 news at 11:00. the family of the missing woman hopes that there is a new clue found in the woods. >> and a story which might make you rethink your choice in shoes. we have the disgusting details about flip-flops'. >> if you have an emergency, you could have a problem reaching 911. e
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911 calls should be in -- and prince william county could be forced to call over and over again. >> the contractor doing work this morning cut a line affecting the critical 911 call center. we have been told that some 911 and 311 calls are bng dropped seconds after the resident makes a call. this is the emergency call center where thousands of calls are taken daily. today, some of those calls have gone unanswered. >> if somebody is in serious distress, it could be really scary. >> a fiber optic line fell,
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damaging the local facility and causing problems for people trying to reach 311 and 911. >> this is a critical center here, to be a lifeline for the citizens who need assistance. this is important that we have our equipment maintained and serviceable 24/7. >> being unable to call for an emergency has this resident very concerned. people need to get through, you never know when something is going to happen. >> is affecting land lines and cell phones. several thousand residents could continue to experience problems throughout the day. >> if that college dropped, give us a call back. -- if that call is dropped, give us a call back. >> the call center is automatically calling random residents are around the county. it if you get a drop call after
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calling 911, call back immediately. they hope to have the line repaired sometime this evening. it coming up, wait until you hear when a passenger snapped a picture of her driving behind the wheel.
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captioned by the national captioning institute tonight, a new coup in a 13- year-old search for a missing woman. we're in live -- will live in washington with a look at the evidence. >> this is a recovery mission at this point. d.c. police are trying to find the bodies of the family can have some closure, a grave site to go to. today, they felt like they came so close. a woman pose the italian designer shoe -- a woman's italian designer shoes. >> thank god, this is our purpose. we want to find her. >> i know that that is her shoe. >> she was killed 13 years old, but her body was never found. in 2008, and her boyfriend
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pleaded guilty to her murder. he brought detectives to try to show her where he buried her. several searches ended with nothing. the discovery of this single shoe is the closest they have come to finding her. >> i would hope it would take it to him and let him identify it. >> of family watched and managed to their expectations. police sent a cadaver dog that found nothing else. another a emotional day and it without her. >-- another emotional day ended thout her. >> i am doing well. >> because d.c. police focus much of the afternoon, their search on the area where that she was found, they're coming back tomorrow.
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that was not the plan. today was going to be the final day. the dogs also made a hit early this morning, just a hundred yards up the heat -- up the street. police want to make sure they thoroughly investigate the area so that her body -- in case her body is further up the road. the woman returned from her trip to found her woman had been -- and to found her, had been broken into. she spotted her stuff at a yard sale down the block. the neighbor was arrested, and had been doing drugs and was not thinking clearly. i am thinking -- i am thinking i'm going to get these things before they go to the trash heap, you know what i mean? >> about $25,000 of stolen
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property had been taken, including televisions and kitchen appliances >> what the heck was he on? is he still on it? state education officials say schools met progress, but five out of 25 schools failed. there are sanctions for schools that repeatedly failed. 325 suspected illegal immigrants have evaded federal authorities so far this year. that is a 20% jump over last year. it is likely that immigration customs enforcement is assigning more agents to work in maryland to jails. police have been given suspect'' names to check against immigration data bases. a bus driver talking on the phone behind the wheel is defending herself. she said she needed toheake the call.
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>> this is the picture that fuel the fire storm. >> is irresponsible. >> the metro manager said that the process had begun to fire the bus driver because she was talking on her fun at the wheel. the union representing the bus and train operators said the driver was not making a personal call, i was reporting a problem with her boss's electronic sign to the central control center. >> i was just calling my boss, it was a problem. to hear about it weeks later makes me feel that the whole situation is a little skeptical. >> the officer said that they jump to conclusis by telling the media the woman was being fired. bailout of the public to polic the system. >> everybody is jumping all or everything right now. >> the driver never move the bus
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while she was on the phone. the driver has been on paid leave after an anonymous writer snapped a photo. having a zero tolerance policy of bus and train operators using cell phones while operating the vehicle, it went into effect two weeks before an anonymous blog posted this photo. this came after someone to the picture of a train operator testing on the job. they say they have the tape verifying the driver's story, but they are not going to share it with us because it is an ongoing investigation. d.c. fire academy is playing host across the country as the site of this year's firebugs convention. the group's mission is to support fire department and promote the safety of first responders. it will offer food and drinks to firefighters on the job.
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time to check the traffic situation right now. >> we have a lot of slow traffic around the region for maryland, virginia, and the district. check out the right here on the beltway. past the interchange at connecticut avenue, these interchanges -- passover spring in university boulevard, you see the slow pace as well. north on 95, and the baltimore washington parkway, up toward the beltway and the baltimore, you have the redskins raven's game coming up tonight at 7:30. the pace is slower. and there is an incident on the northbound side of 95 near 695 out of the roadway. most of the way up in the clarksburg and frederick county, you see the slow pace.
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more slow traffic at 121. it is really a mass heading south from the fourteenth street bridge. an accident on 395. traffic very slow coming down from pentagon. that is a look at traffic, back to you. coming up, a warning for people who just love their flip flops. they look at the dirty secrets of the issues are holding. >> band slam opens this weekend, and it stars a person from s spngs. s. spngs. s. female announcer: from jennifer, while supplies last, this luxurious microfiber sofa and chair for just $399. our most dramatic offer ever: both pieces, just $399. while supplies last. from jennifer: you don't have to spend a lot to have good taste.
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- woooh, nice! - that's a lot of food! now get big meals like our stuffed pizza rolls, pizza mia, the p'zone... and our personal panormous pizza starting at just $5. the big eat tiny price menu. only at pizza hut.
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- woooh, nice! - that's a lot of food! now get big meals like our stuffed pizza rolls, pizza mia, the p'zone... and our personal panormous pizza starting at just $5. the big eat tiny price menu. only at pizza hut.
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stars like miley cyrus -- not to the list goes on, and you can add a local actor to that list as well. >> there are a lot of people that come from the sea and go on the big things. a lot of graduates from the bethesda-chevy chase high school will do a double take which stars -- when they go see the mie which stars a silver spring man.
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band slam goes beyond the high school misfits story. he plays the lead in a first- rate cast including lisa kudrow and vanessa hudgens. >> how close is banned slam -- band slam to your life? >> belittle to close to home. and kissing the is superstar girls, i did not have to do much acting. i was pretty much in nervous teenager. >> his social skills stay at nerd levels. he has a promising career ahead. >> and the kid that was sitting behind you in english class now doing interviews with arch campbell.
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>> i think he could become the next john cusack. i want to mention a movie opening today. the time traveler's rwife. romance and sci-fi. he comes from the future to tell her they get married at and it is queued until you walk out the door and say, "what the heck was that?" [laughter] "500 days of summer," "district 9." >>what was that? in here is what is coming up, something to think about the next time you go shopping.
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>> is a little disturbing, but i think it makes sense. >> the
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they are among the most common types of summer shoes. >> but they be also among the dirtiest things in your home? we're on your side with a look at the hidden dangers of the plot. >> of those hidden dangers are something you may not think about. you might take a different look at your shoes. is a flip. they flop. there are thousands of deadly bacteria, and even fecal matter. >> that is nasty. >> that is disturbing, but it makes sense. but they are on the ground all the time. >> they found more than 18,000 bacteria. some say it is enough to make your skin crawl, and on the
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extreme end, be fatal if the bacteria gets into your bloodstream and goes unnoticed. >> i have been wearing them my whole life, and i have not gotten any diseases. i have not gotten any other diseases. i do not chew on them. >> i am not too concerned about it. >> doctors agree, most surfaces and regular issues are covered in terms. >> there are bacteria everywhere. i would hate to tell you what is in your mouth. >> while there is a chance of bacteria getting into your bloodstream, your body generally fights off terms that you would pick up. they're more concerned about the lack of support you might get from flip-flops'. >> i will think it tries -- and think twice about that. the environmental working group released a list of the so-
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called dirty dozen. peaches are the most likely to contain pesticide residue followed by apples, bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, less, important grapes, lettuce, and paris. they say that it was overblown. at most trace amounts are safe. is time to start thinking about back-to-school perio. they're collecting backpacks, binders, and other school supplies for schools in need. the drive officially ends tomorrow. the extreme makeover home in addition team is visiting washington. -- home edition team.
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they want to look for people to share time and skills to make it happen. you can watch the show sundays at 8:00 right here on abc. and we will show you how people at town hall meetings reacted today. and a man outside yesterday's town hall was detained and questioned by secret service because of what his sign said. plus, to exports might be added to the summer games, coming up at 6:00 -- two new olympic sports might be added to the summer games. i got outside, it was a great day. >> some nice blue skies out there right now. it will show you the pictures ourselves from the rooftop camera here in arlington. very comfortable out there, temperatures mostly in the low s. mid ''
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the light super doppler radar shows some showers ovow dntown baltimore. the redlo cor indicates the heavier downpours now pushing towards bowie, and another cluster going to hit the area. coit may drift south. nothing dramatic, do y warm, pretty ha wu'y't dra ecxptu eaclyt atalw. woul expect actual ly let's show you the set up for our friday weather pattern. the same story on saturday, these persistent low pressure systems. that will start working in as early as sunday morning, maybe sunday afternoon. three days may be the story of next week. here are some numbers, 67-71 by
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tomorrow morning. some thunderstorms to the south and east of town. it may be close to 90 or 92 degrees on monday. isolated showers is all we expect. how about a road trip? >> tim took that to date for redskins' preseason game -- for the redskins' preseason game. >> is like a steam bath right now. -- it is like a steam bath right now. the ravens and the redskins, this should be a pretty good test for the redskins' offense. people have been talking about it being slow to come around. the defense is always ahead of the offense. the ravens had the second-best defense in the nfl last year. everybody knows that there should not be a drop-off. the aggressive defense will be
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coming hard tonight for the washington lead skull -- washington redskins. we have kickoff at an hour and a half, and the players have been some kind of popped all week for this. >> it is an opportunity to go out, you know, the ravens were an nfc champion last year. it will be a great challenge for us. >> we just want to get into the feel of a game, at the beginning of the game. our job on the sidelines is to encourage those guys. >> it will take a lot of encouragement. we have talked about a lot, albert haynesworth, randy thomas, and we con't expe -- and we don't expect to see it randy moss either.
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the starters will go abroad the first quarter. -- go about the first quarter. for tiger woods, a tremendous first round. five under 67, a brilliant first rod. when that flight stickwork for tiger, look out. -- stick works for tiger, look out. he was positioning himself all that long. the leader board looks like this, he has a one-shot lead over patrick carrington -- harrington. back to you. coming up next, a local man is getting ready for a trip. >> why the w>> why t
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less than two weeks from today, a fairfax county man is scheduled ahead in this space. >> and we have what neighbors
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think about having an astronaut from their town. >> people in springfield, va. are proud. they are honored to have somebody represent them not only on a national stage, the to the world. it is the third time in space for patrick forester. it is here in springfield, virginia where he got his start. in the classrooms at a high school, the retired army colonel wasn't interested in science, mainly history. it is also where forrester met his future wife in the late 70's. >> [unintelligible] >> he said in an interview that he loved growing up in the shadow of the nation goes the capital. his military family settled down here when he was in the third grade. he graduated in 1975 and considers fairfax county home.
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>> people have dreams, and now he is a master not. -- an astronaut. >> their mission? and bringing up supplies to sustain a six person crew in space. forrester said he was excited to work with his team. >> i have to of those children, a 25-year-old and a 23-year-old. mine were pretty much old when i started training for the mission. >> the takeoff is set for august 24. you can follow the astronauts while they're up in space. they will be twittering while up in tspace. someone will be transcribing their thoughts and posting them.
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that is all for abc news at 5:00. at 6:00, town hall tensions continue to simmer. cash for clunkers, beware. the agreement you do not have the sign. and the life in prison for murder. hear from some other victims who survived. live up, and and hd -- live, and in hd. a motions continue to run high over health care. >> it is starting to feel like a never-ending fight. >> you said it, there are new ads, fights, internet postings that reveal an angry or frustrated group of people who are now joining this health car


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